
This is a Portal. When you have completed your request the request is sent directly to all relevant Companies in our Portal who will contact you directly. At this point our portal has no visibility of any interaction with the suppliers and their interactions with you. Yet after two days you will have an overview of the different offers and you also will have an opportunity to give feedback on your experience with your chosen supplier.


top-offerten GmbH
Im Rötler 33
8583 Donzhausen

Deutsch: +41 44 517 80 00
Français: +41 44 517 80 01

Platreform AG has its registered office in Donzhausen TG/Switzerland
Commercial Register of the Canton of Thurgau
Company number: CHE-174.982.484


We would like to point out that we cannot guarantee whether and how many offers you will receive, and we also exclude any liability for the contents of the offers themselves. If you have found a company through our portal, a contract is created exclusively between you and the selected company. The insurance of the goods, works, employees, and any employment relationship is the subject of the contract between the customer and the partner company and is not a matter of the brokerage portal top-offerten.


The layout of the homepage, the graphics used, and the other contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction or use of the texts and graphics in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of top-offerten gmbh.

Image Credits

We use images from